Euronete: 2nd most innovative portuguese industrial company
Euronete, the Portuguese manufacturer of netting, ropes and steel wire ropes, has been acknowledged by the Consumer Guidance Institute of Portugal as the 20th most Innovative company on a national level, and with mostly pharma and IT companies completing the Top 20, Euronete comes out as SECOND among industrial manufacturers.
Pedro Sá, Euronete’s R&D Manager and author of numerous patents in rope and netting technology, comments: “Innovation is driven by the value created for our end users. To us, it is very incentivizing to see our customers focused on the relevance of new products and the way in which they contribute to more sustainable and profitable fishing operations”.
Among some of the latest innovations of Euronete are EuroGlow®, the luminous (glow-in-the-dark) netting widely used in crab pot fisheries, Euroline® NF and ROYAL netting for protection against predators in fish farming and Euroline® TIPTO, a next generation of codend netting, which combines the strength of its long-term successful Euroline® PREMIUM netting, with a next level of abrasion resistance.
Furthermore, the company operates a range of testing machinery to test strength (from a few kilograms all the way up to 1,200 (!!) tons), abrasion and fatigue of ropes and netting. Pedro Sà explains they are now for example working on a multi-year project to further enhance understand and enhance the abrasion properties of various materials in marine environments.
Apart from researching materials and developing new products, Euronete is part of various international studies to improve catch efficiencies, lower overall fishing operations costs and further improve the impact of fishing operations on the environment.
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